freelance, free-spirited, always in search of
new challenges in the not-dead world of print
Louise Brody is a freelance designer and editorial/project director. Born in London, raised in Pittsburgh, long-time resident in Paris, now living on the Costa Brava in Spain, she has been in love with books for as long as she can remember. Her father’s family had the most important publishing house and printing press in Budapest before the war and her grandmother was the art director. Her father studied to become a master printer before he switched to physics! Beautiful typography and art books were part of her childhood and heritage, and she knew from a very young age what profession she would chose.
Louise approaches her work with an eye for what the French call the “mise en page”. As in the theatre's mise en scène, this concept views the page as a kind of stage for visual information, in which the graphic elements – text blocks, images, colour, shapes – are arranged and presented, and in a sense, perform.
Her books on artists, architects and photographers show an instinctive affinity for the work of each individual and a facility in finding the best way to set off their creations. And her designs for publications like Le Journal des Arts, L'ŒIL and the ICC annual brochure offer straightforward, clear solutions for hard-working, information-packed pages. Often responsible for choosing photographers, liaising with authors, collaborating closely on editorial decisions and overseeing proofing and printing, she is at ease with the whole creative and production chain in publishing.
Louise is a firm believer in good design being at the service of content, and takes great pleasure in adapting her thinking and creativity to each specific project and client.
She has designed more than 100 books for a variety of leading British, American and French publishers, museums and international press, as well as working with private clients to produce publications for important events or to commemorate achievements. Early on in her career she conceived two books on Hollywood cinema icons, Leading Men and Leading Ladies; both were translated into several languages and sold over 250,000 copies.
More recently, Louise conceived and designed the book celebrating Shaun Leane’s iconic jewellery for ACC Art Books, directed and designed a publication celebrating Suzy Menkes’ 25 years of fashion journalism for the New York Times (formerly International Herald Tribune) and designed and produced the book for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York to accompany the exhibition Jacqueline de Ribes, the Art of Style, published under her own label, lbdeditions.
Her motto is “print is not dead” and her appetite for new challenges has led her to create and realise her own projects. Her latest adventure is producing a series of highly-illustrated, sharply-written books on some of Catalonia's most historic and fascinating towns, starting with her own, Sant Feliu de Guíxols.
Louise lives with her architect husband Charles Poisay in a “case study” house they designed together overlooking the bay of Sant Feliu, filled with books, art and mid-century modern design from which she draws daily inspiration.

Suzy Menkes on Suzy@25
You have done a great job putting all this together. Thank you for all your overwhelming hard work on my behalf - and your understanding of what I do.
Peter Fetterman, author and gallery-owner, on The Power of Photography
Book just arrived here. It’s fantastic. Looks just amazing.
Shaun Leane, jeweller
Thank you for your perfect eye.
Jeffrey Felner, reviewer, on Shaun Leane in ‘New York Journal of Books’
There are very few times when this reader is absolutely gob-smacked by a book, but Shaun Leane is that rare moment times one hundred. Shaun Leane is a definitive example of the genre on every level. It dazzles, it provokes, it astounds…
Tricia Guild, founder of Designers Guild
Looking glorious … Brava
Michael Stannard, artists’ agent, on Ed Watson, A Different Dance
You’re an absolute superstar: the work, passion and commitment to this book is quite simply stunning! It feels, looks and is perfectly balanced. What a huge feat of creativity.
Elizabeth Smith, photography consultant, on Ed Watson, A Different Dance
Louise has an unerring eye and I have had the most wonderful experience working with her.
Patricia Z. Smith, author and photographer
Your eye is perfect, and so stern in making it all right. Thank you ALWAYS.
Joanie Osburn, author and photographer, on Café Society
I cannot thank enough Louise Brody, my brilliant book designer, whose professionalism, talent, and expertise, along with her invaluable first-hand knowledge of the French language and Parisian life, have shaped this handsome book.
Peter Wilson, theatre producer, on Time to Act
I’m thrilled by its coherence and style. Simon’s photographs are terrific; but the book itself is a rare achievement. Congratulations.
Corinna Pickart, production manager, Prestel Editions
Thanks for your professional work on this, I enjoyed it a lot! There are not many graphic designers out there who also know how to set up files correctly like you do, so it was a refreshing experience.
Sue Bennet, editor, ACC Art Books
I want to thank you for your hard work on Winged Beauty, and also for being so easy to work with. Your diligence and commitment, not to mention your speedy responses, are much appreciated. The book looks fantastic, and the authors are suitably impressed. Great to have worked with you, and I hope we shall have the chance to do so again.